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AD restore single user


User objects are the basic building blocks of your Active Directory environment. Administrators accidentally deleting a user object from AD is not an unheard of event. The user whose account has been deleted from AD now cannot login to their system and their productivity suffers until their user accounts are restored.

RecoveryManager Plus allows you to instantly restore a deleted user with all of their attributes intact.


To restore a single deleted object to its previous backed up state, follow the steps listed below.

  • Login to RecoveryManager Plus with an administrator's credentials.
  • Navigate to Active Directory tab → Active Directory → Recycle Bin.
  • Select the domain that contains the user object to be restored in the Domain drop-down box.
  • Click on the Filter button to narrow the search for the object to be restored.
    • Type the name of the deleted user object in the Object Name field. If you are not sure of the name, make use of the filters such as Contains, Starts With, Ends With, and Equals.
    • Click on the <+/-> icons in the OUs field to select the OU in which the user was present.
    • In the Backup Date field, select the period in which the user object has been backed up and click Apply.
    • In the Object Type field, select User from the drop-down box and hit Search.
    • From the results that appear, mark the check box against the user object that you would like to restore and click Recycle.


The user account has been restored to the Active Directory.

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