Auto generate reports

Auto Generate Reports

ManageEngine Analytics Plus offers an easy way to create reports and dashboards automatically using Auto Analysis. Using this feature, users can minimize the time spent on manual report generation. 

There are two ways in which you can generate reports automatically:

Auto Analysis

Analytics Plus features a powerful algorithm that intuitively analyzes data and creates reports and dashboards which can be customized later. You can choose an entire table or a single column in a table to auto generate reports. 

Analyzing data from entire table

To create reports using data from an entire table,  

  • Click on the Create icon on the side panel, and choose With Auto Analysis from the options available.  

  • In the dialog box that opens, select the Base table from which the reports are to be auto generated, and click OK

  • This action will automatically generate multiple reports and dashboards, and group them into folder(s). You can access the newly generated reports from the Newly Auto Generated Reports folder in the explorer bar. 

Note: You can also apply the auto analysis feature while importing data into Analytics Plus. Once you complete the data import process, you will be asked if you'd like Analytics Plus to auto generate reports for you. Simply click Yes to auto generate reports.  

Analyzing data from a single column in a table

To create reports using data from any column in a table,

  • Open the table containing the column.
  • Right-click on the column and choose the Analyze Column option from the drop-down menu. 

  • This will automatically create reports using data from that column. 
  • The newly created reports will be listed under Newly Auto Generated Reports in the explorer bar.

Auto Generate Reports - Similar to Another Table

ManageEngine Analytics Plus offers a nifty feature using which you can easily generate reports similar to reports from another table. This feature is particularly useful if you have to create a set of reports similar to ones you already have. For instance, if you have store sales reports for a particular region and wish to recreate the same set of reports for a different region, you can use the Similar to Another Table option, instead of manually recreating all the reports. 

Note: For this feature to work, you need to have similar tables i.e., the new table should have similar column names, of the same data type as that of the existing table.  

Creating Reports Similar to Another Table

  • Click the Create option from the side panel and choose Similar to Another Table from the options available. 

  • In the dialog box that opens,
  • Select the table that you wish to create reports for, from the Select table to generate reports drop down. 

  • Select the reference table from the Select reference table drop down menu.

  • Choose the folder you wish to save the reports under, from the Folder to save generated reports drop down menu.

  • Check the Custom Formula and Aggregate Formula radio buttons if you wish to carry them over to the new table, and click OK.

  • Now you can access the newly created reports and dashboards from the explorer bar under the folder you selected in the previous step.   


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